Honesty is the best Policy

I had an experience yesterday that reminded me of a business principle that is a must do. Honesty is the best policy.  I learned many years ago the importance of being honest with others, even when it is tough on a relationship. By not being honest with somebody you may spare them some grief now, but it could jeopardize your relationship when they learn you were not honest with them in the first place.

I had an experience with a customer yesterday where I learned they haven’t been honest with us about paying their bill. They’ve had ongoing excuses that we hadn’t delivered the product or we hadn’t sent them the right paperwork to get the payment approved. This has gone on and on. It all came to a head yesterday when we learned the truth, that the problem isn’t us but them, they don’t have the money to pay.

It would have been much easier, in the very beginning, to let us know they were having cash flow problems. When we know the hard truth then we can deal with the issue. Now, there is no trust. They want to put together a payment plan but I don’t believe they are sincere about honoring a payment plan. That mistrust comes from not telling the truth in the very beginning.

Honesty really is the best policy even when it temporarily hurts a relationship. It is better than permanently destroying trust.

About jeffalexanders

Jeff Alexander is the founder & President of Alexander’s Print Advantage, a leading On Demand digital printing company. Alexander’s Print Advantage pioneered using technology to help companies streamline the communications process. Additionally, Jeff has been involved in public service for much of his professional life. He served in the Utah House of Representatives for 16 years, retiring in 1996 as the House Majority Leader. He continued to volunteer for the Governor of Utah as a legislative advisor to the Governor’s Office of Economic Development. He continues to offer his time and skills to Utah Valley University, various industry boards, the International Printers Network and his church. Jeff enjoys speaking to groups about leadership, business and politics, using his experience in business, public service and as a hot air balloon pilot. He shares themed topics such as “The Law of Referability” and “You Can’t Land From Here”.
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